Friday, December 8, 2017

Table of Contents



 Three Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me 
             Wolverine Vs Thanos

The Beatles                                                       The Beatles and One Direction

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

"Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of Tranquility

Chuy’s Behavior
      In the book “Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of ​​Tranquility” by Patricia Santana tells a lot of interesting content about a Mexican American family living in the United States. In this story they tell the life of Yolanda Sahagun better known as Yoli. One day Yoli and her family were preparing a party for the arrival of their elder brother Chuy who came from the Vietnam War. The family was waiting for Chuy with a lot of desire because they had a lot without seeing their beloved Chuy. However, Yoli was the most excited because she was finally going to see her brother after so much time and she missed him a lot. Yoli just wanted the hours to pass quickly, so she could see her brother again and could not wait any longer. Yoli and her family would take a surprise that they would not like so much about their beloved Chuy.  

      In this chapter, there was much sadness, anger and disappointment on the part of the Sahagun family for Chuy’s behavior. When everyone was entertained at the party, suddenly Chuy arrives at his surprise party. Chuy’s family was excited to see him and the first thing that the family did was to hug him because they missed him a lot. At that moment, Yoli was remembering how Chuy was before going to the Vietnam War. Yoli began to describe in her mind her brother Chuy and she said that he was a kind, caring, calm and loving person. However, Yoli when he looks at his brother Chuy begins to suspect that something strange was happening to his brother. When the family began to approach Chuy for having returned home healthy from the war, Chuy just walked away, he just wanted to be alone without anyone bothering him. However, Chuy greeted in an annoying way his family and friends who were waiting for him with great emotion, but he did not care. At that time, Yoli began to realize that his brother Chuy was no longer the same person before gone to war. Yoli in her mind thought she was seeing everything wrong and that it was her imagination. She thought that she was wrong because it could not be that her brother will change that way to his own family. Yoli calmed down and started saying that his brother behaved like that because he was tired and just needed to relax to be the same as he was before. Even though, everyone thought that Chuy was tired and just needed to rest, what they did not know was that Chuy's behavior would not be the same as before.

               When Yoli realized that her brother was not the same she became very sad because the person she loved very much, with whom she shared everything, changed so much and it would not be the same anymore. Chuy was no longer that person his sister described. He changed in a very strange way and he always. He always had an angry expression, and if he smiled he did it in a bad way. At that moment the Sahagun family realizes that Chuy is no longer impressed by the things they do for him as his surprise party. Although Yoli only wanted her brother to be at home with her family, she felt that Chuy was with them, but at the same time he was not there because he did not care about his family. 

           In conclusion, Yoli's family goes through various moods because of their beloved Chuy. However, Yoli begins to realize that her brother will never change his behavior anymore and she will have to defend herself without her brother. I think Chuy's behavior will always affect his family because his family cares what happens to Chuy. However, I think Chuy changed because he saw a lot of death and blood in the war and that left him traumatized. So it's just a matter of time for Chuy to overcome his fears and be the same as before.

Five Favorites Taco Stands in Mexicali

Mexicali is known for its variety of tacos. However, not many are very good although they are tacos and should have the same taste, they do not always have it and that is why there are places where people go to eat often for their flavor delicious. My five favorite taco stands are Tacos del Ferrocarril, Asadero Acatlan, Las Brasas, El Tasajo, and Ocotlan.

1.- The tacos del Ferrocarril are one of my favorite tacos because it's not carne asada they are beef tacos of lamb. I like them because they are soft and warm. Also, they are tacos which are open 24 hours for people who come from parties and want to eat. There are different taco stands in that same place, but all the time is full of people. However, when it is full you can go to the other taco stand because they sell the same. I like to eat there because they are there every day of the week.

2.-Another taco stand is the Asadero Acatlan, its tacos are delicious but it is a bit expensive. However, you fill up very quickly and enjoy it. I do not go to that place very often because it is far from my home. When I go to that place many times the waiters are wasting time, but their tacos are delicious.

3.- Another place of tacos that I like but I do not go regularly is Las Brasas. I like that taqueria very much because this large one has a good space and its waiters are fast and friendly although here also the tacos are a few expensive but you eat very well. Many times and I went with my family to eat there and we left happy because we went as a family and the waiters tended to us very well.

4.- Another taco stand is the Tasajo that place makes me a little fancy that place it is very nice and when you ask for your taco they give you the whole piece of meat inside the tortilla. However, it is a bit expensive but it is very delicious. I do not go regularly to that place because it is very far away.

 5.- Finally, the last taqueria where I go and I love it and I go regularly is the Ocotlan Taqueria. I love going to that place because it is close to my house in Mexicali and the place is not so big and isn't beautiful but it is delicious. The place is very well located; the parking lot is not big. However, it is a taqueria that is always full of people. I go there often with my friends when we feel like eating tacos of carne asada and we always leave that place satisfied. Also, the waiters are very quick and friendly. For that reason I like to go to that place very much. 

Three Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me?

There are many things that I like to do that people do not know what I like and do. Three things that you probably do not know about me is that I like to play video games, I like Japanese culture a lot, and I like to listen to music oldie.

1.- Playing video games is my passion because it is something that entertains me and amuses me in my free time. I remember when I was little I was always playing video games because I had fun; my favorite game has always been the legend of Zelda. Also, with that game I grew up and I never got bored of playing it and nowadays I still play it because it is a game that brings back many memories of when I was a girl. I will always keep playing it. Thanks to that game I became addicted to video games.  

2.- Another thing that they do not know about me is that I really like Japanese culture. Japanese culture has always liked me, this taste started when I discovered the anime. When I started watching anime I wanted to know where the writer came from or the people who made the anime. At that time I realized that Japanese were the ones who did the anime and some video games like Mario Bros, the Legend of Zelda and Pokemon. At that time I began to investigate more about the Japanese and their traditions and I liked it a lot. Their meals, their arts, places and people are fantastic. I have never gone to Japan and it is one of my dreams to go to that place to know and learn a little more about that place. I love everything about Japan because it is quiet and respectable many people in that place are very calm and friendly. For that reason I would like to go to japan.

3.- Finally, my last thing they do not know about me is that I like oldie music a lot. Thanks to my dad I started to listened oldie music. He was listened that music all the time when I was a little girl. I remember that when it was weekend, always in the morning, I listened to his music of the Beatles, the Doors, Queen, and Led Zeppelin. Nowadays, I still listen that music and my dad too because it is something that we loved. For that reason I never get bored of listening that type of music.

Two Truths and One Lie


One of my best skills is to draw. I do it when I have free time. Drawing relaxes and distracts me from a hard day at work, school or whatever I have done. I started to draw when I was a child because I watched at a lot of cartoons and I wanted to recreate them. At first I could not draw them very well, but little by little I was improving my ability in drawing. Nowadays my drawings are much better detailed, but I still need more practice to make them perfect. I will not surrender until i become a good draftswoman.

 One Christmas my love gave me a violin because I wanted a violin a long time ago, so he gave me one for Christmas. Since that moment I practiced and practiced a lot to learn how to play good. One day, I went to a music group because a friend told me that if i wanted to learn how to play violin well, I would to go there. My life changed when I went to that music group because I would never imagine that was a mariachi. The mariachi made me play a song to know if I knew how to play well and i surprised them by playing my violin. Then they invited me to join the Mariachi Nueva Herencia. Finally, I joined the Mariachi Nueva Herencia where I play violin.

Listen oldie Music has always been one of my greatest passions. When I listen to this music genre it makes me reflect about my past, it gets me excited and keeps me in peace. Thanks to my dad I really love oldie music and am not embarrassed of it as many people are. When I was young I remember that my dad always play his old songs in the radio like The Beatles, The Doors, Three Dog Night, Led Zeppelin, and Ten Years After. Also I remember that I wanted to be a singer and make my own music group.  Sometimes I go out with my friends to a bar where they play old music and it makes me feel glad.

My Assignments