Friday, September 28, 2018

Field Workers


         Work in the fields is one of the most dangerous jobs in the United States, but many people work there because they need a quick job and easy money. Field workers are very common to be seen around the Imperial Valley. However, the question is who are the workers in the field are and what is known about them? Field workers are those workers, who go to work  on the fields,but people tend to generalize and say that they are just a bunch of wet backs, but that is just an old and silly racist generalization. Most people don’t know what it is to work on the fields, how hard it is, and how important it is for the local businesses. Being a field worker implies to risk the worker’s life, to impair the worker’s health and define it for their future and work for like 12 hours and getting paid way below minimum wage. My father, is a field worker and while many people think is it an embarrassing job, I realize it might be the hardest and most tiresome job for him. My dad always wakes up at 3 am, so he can be waiting for his ride since 4  am, but the workers start working around 5 and 6 am. They work until 5 pm and throughout their working hours they have 30 minutes to eat and 15 minutes to take a break. They have many risks at the work because they are exposed to insecticides, chemicals used in the crops, being bitten by poisonous insects such as spiders and snakes. People who work at the field end up with health problems such as allergies, respiratory diseases, back problems, joint problems that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Many field workers continue to work no matter how heavy that job is; they will always continue working for support their families. Finally, if people had a moment to think about it, they would realize that field workers work way harder in a day than someone who works at a restaurant cooking burgers.

1 comment:

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