Friday, May 25, 2018

Looking Forwards

211552f0a2b8bc99fa3fa7c8066b23e8.jpg    Tattooing is the love of art. Also, the tattoo represents things for the person who wears them and some cases just to look cool. In the past, tattoos were commonly thought of as trash or bad. One would often relate them to rock and heavy metal stars, pirates, or gangsters. That has considerably changed over the years. However, today's culture is still fascinated with tattooing. Tattoos are simply great; in fact getting a tattoo might be good for everyone. It can leave you feeling like a new person revealing a notable image that will definitely boost your self-esteem.  To begin, tattoos are a great idea because they encourage self-expression. I mean some people choose quotes, lyrics, or symbols that have meaning to them. For me, tattooing is an art that will never be erased and will be marked forever. I have never had a tattoo, but I would like to make one. However, having a tattoo always has to have a deep and personal meaning that only the person who uses it knows the meaning. For that reason, the tattoo I want to make is an arrow that means to have confidence and hope. My life has not been easy and I have gone through very difficult things throughout my life.  Although I am working hard to achieve my dream job, the people surrounding me are too negative to even realize how hard i am trying to be someone in life.

            This tattoo is an arrow and I want it black because I really like that color, but the small image. Also, I chose it black because black means for my mystery, silence or shyness that is something that I hide inside on the arrow. Every day, I want to get up and see my tattoo to show them to people that they did not trust me that I can go far with my efforts and dedication to be someone in life. I want to get ahead with my life without the help of people who judge me that for them it means that I can never do anything for myself. For that reason, I want to get an arrow tattoo on my right wrist because it reminds me of what I lived and also everything that I progress every day. Also, this tattoo is to demonstrate people that they don't know me that you should never feel less than others people. Also, always follow your dreams, since there is always hope, you just have to believe and fight for what you want.
            Nowadays, tattoos are becoming a popular phenomenon that is seen everywhere. In my case, get a tattoo would mean my way of seeing my life. The tattoo that I want to make is an arrow which has an important meaning in my life. Many times I hesitate to get that tattoo because it is an image I will have for a lifetime. However, I want to do it because it is something that will identify my life. This arrow would be a discrete size not so visible and only people close to me would know about that tattoo. For me the meaning of an arrow is to look forward never looking back. I mean that although it often seems that life is against us or everyone leaves us behind, this bow and arrow tattoo reminds us there will always be a space to continue moving forward the further you stretch the bow the farther your arrow will travel. That’s what this tattoo means to me, which is what I identify myself with.
            Finally, making the choice to get a tattoo comes with serious contemplation. Tattoos are just body art and can be completely harmless but not finding the right resources can end tragically bad. This tattoo makes me see that there is always a positive side in life. This tattoo will always remind me that there is always hope and as long as you trust in life and in yourself, things will always go very well. Tattoos help you to stand out, find yourself and express yourself. A tattoo reflects the owner's feelings and interests. Life's short so it's great to take advantage of what you can get out of it. Even, if it includes a piece of art in our body. So if you're thinking about getting one, you should do it. Tattoos are simply great a little pain at first but you get a good artistic outcome. In fact getting a tattoo might be good for everyone. It can leave you feeling like a new person. If you're thinking about it, go get a tattoo. Get a tattoo if you want to look different.

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