Friday, May 25, 2018

Abstract- Bipolar Disorder

Resultado de imagen para demi lovato

      This paper is the prescription of some of the risks associated with Bipolar Disorder and the lived experiences of people or famous with Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain and behavior disorder characterized by severe shifts in a person's mood and energy, making it difficult for the person to function. More than 5.7 million American adults or 2.6 percent of the population age 18 or older in any given year have bipolar disorder. The condition typically starts in late adolescence or early adulthood, although it can show up in children and in older adults. This is what happened to Demi Lovato. Before Demi received her diagnosis, she spent a lot of her life feeling vulnerable, sad and withdrawn. At times she couldn’t even find the strength to get out of bed. After years of abusing her body and self-medicating, she hit rock bottom and was admitted to an inpatient treatment facility. This is when she was finally diagnosed with the depressive phase of bipolar disorder, called bipolar depression. This is a hard mental illness, but there are always ways to control them. The final point of this paper is Demi was working with her support team she was able to partner with a health care professional, open up to family and friends, and over time find a treatment plan that worked for her.
Resultado de imagen para Twilight Zone

      Being honest, I have never seen this show before, but it is cool and creepy at the same time. Eye of the Beholder, I think it is a really good episode and very interesting and clear in its theme. The theme of this episode is obviously stereotype, prejudice, discrimination and racism. It shows that there isn't a certain way to look like; it is just different thought or point of view of the viewer. It is important because is a really old way of thinking that different people should place in certain area with people of its kind, nobody really thinks that exact way as shown on the video. It relates to real life it's been more than 50 years since humanity politically end up with racism and how can it still be out there around our country, community and our world. It also relates to me because I have Mexican roots and I know people who dislike me just because of my roots. I think the scene that really showed its point was the last scene where everyone has deformed faces except for Ms. Tyler and the man, but that's the point, just because we aren't used to see people with faces like those we think it's wrong being different. It is just prejudice coming from different thoughts and opinions. In Conclusion, I really liked this video because it makes people reflect on what the world is like. However, nobody does anything to change it and they only prefer to discriminate and judge without knowing what is happening. Humanity might think we are building a better world, but in retrospective we are making the same old mistakes again and it will bring consequences just like the past.

Two Truths and One Lie

1. -       When I was young I remember that always wanted to be a Tennis player and that dream was fulfilled. I started playing tennis at Calexico with my boyfriend. When I went to College, I realized the school had a tennis team, so I went to the try-outs and made it. I played a year for the tennis team. I used to practice two hours every Tuesday through Friday. Finally, I realized that I wanted to get better, so I started practicing more hours.  

2.-    Something that relaxes and distracts me is to watch series on Netflix. Thanks to my sister I became addicted to Netflix and it became my addiction because it has many interesting things to watch and some of them are series. I like Netflix because I can watch all the series, anime, movies and documentaries that are there. On Vacations I spent my time watching telenovelas like Teresa, Lo que la vida me robo and series like 13 Reasons Why, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead and many more.

3. -       One of the most important achievements that I want is to have my bachelor's degree in Medical Assistant. Work as a Medical Assistant at a clinic or hospital is one of my dreams and to do that I need to graduate. I want to be a medical assistant because I love helping people and I want to make a difference. I hope my smile will be contagious and actually help someone through their day. There is so much hurt and pain in the world and too many people turning their backs on each other and I want to make a difference.

Can you guess which one is a Lie?

Book out Your Past “Watchmen”

 Reading is an activity that is not so usual and many people do not like it, but it is necessary for our mental development. One year ago, I read this combination of a comic book and novel called Watchmen. Watchmen is a 1986 fictional, political and uncommon graphic novel. It takes place in an alternate world where the mere presence of American superheroes changed the history. The president Richard Nixon had been reelected for president for fourth term because during his presidency the Vietnam War was won by the U.S. with the help of masked vigilantes. In the 1940s, a group of people dressed up as superheroes in order to solve those cases or crimes where the police wouldn’t interfere. When the U.S. realizes how dangerous is to have masked vigilantes, the U.S. government makes a law to prohibit masked vigilantes. However, President Richard Nixon hires two masked vigilantes in a desperate try to win the Vietnam War. He hires Dr. Manhattan and the Comedian. Dr. Manhattan is the only super powered hero with ability to teleport anything, the ability to change physical laws, time travel, perception of time and space and the ability to manipulate matter. The Comedian is a psychopath mercenary with above average human strength, expert in martial arts and weaponry. Dr. Manhattan working with the U.S., it might be invincible. The US won the Vietnam War, Nixon is still president and the cold war is in full effect.  It begins with a murder-mystery before unfolding into a planet-altering conspiracy. When a retired hero is killed, his former teammates must investigate. The conspiracy they uncover will entwine their secret traumas and twisted psychologies, ultimately asking where the fine line is drawn between heroes and villains.

Comic Strip -"The End is nigh"


 Rorschach’s Journal October 12th, 1985 this night in New York a comedian died. The Comedian's badge is seen as his blood is washed from the sidewalk below his apartment, and a man walks by with a sign that reads "The End is nigh." While the sidewalk is stained with blood, someone tries to clean it with the hose. The man in the hose yells at the guy with the sign in a bad way, but the guy on the sign keeps saying "The End is nigh” and moving forward with his sign. A few floors up, in the building that rests on the same sidewalk, a detective looks down looking out of a broken window. Looking the whole scene trying to find details, decisive factors, clues, whatever it may help to resolve the mystery, but the height is imposing, so much so that the detective feels the vertigo and has probably imagined he falling from such a height. Confused by everything that happens in his mind and in front of his eyes, the only thing that occurs to him to say is: " Mmm. that's quite a drop. " 

Looking Forwards

211552f0a2b8bc99fa3fa7c8066b23e8.jpg    Tattooing is the love of art. Also, the tattoo represents things for the person who wears them and some cases just to look cool. In the past, tattoos were commonly thought of as trash or bad. One would often relate them to rock and heavy metal stars, pirates, or gangsters. That has considerably changed over the years. However, today's culture is still fascinated with tattooing. Tattoos are simply great; in fact getting a tattoo might be good for everyone. It can leave you feeling like a new person revealing a notable image that will definitely boost your self-esteem.  To begin, tattoos are a great idea because they encourage self-expression. I mean some people choose quotes, lyrics, or symbols that have meaning to them. For me, tattooing is an art that will never be erased and will be marked forever. I have never had a tattoo, but I would like to make one. However, having a tattoo always has to have a deep and personal meaning that only the person who uses it knows the meaning. For that reason, the tattoo I want to make is an arrow that means to have confidence and hope. My life has not been easy and I have gone through very difficult things throughout my life.  Although I am working hard to achieve my dream job, the people surrounding me are too negative to even realize how hard i am trying to be someone in life.

            This tattoo is an arrow and I want it black because I really like that color, but the small image. Also, I chose it black because black means for my mystery, silence or shyness that is something that I hide inside on the arrow. Every day, I want to get up and see my tattoo to show them to people that they did not trust me that I can go far with my efforts and dedication to be someone in life. I want to get ahead with my life without the help of people who judge me that for them it means that I can never do anything for myself. For that reason, I want to get an arrow tattoo on my right wrist because it reminds me of what I lived and also everything that I progress every day. Also, this tattoo is to demonstrate people that they don't know me that you should never feel less than others people. Also, always follow your dreams, since there is always hope, you just have to believe and fight for what you want.
            Nowadays, tattoos are becoming a popular phenomenon that is seen everywhere. In my case, get a tattoo would mean my way of seeing my life. The tattoo that I want to make is an arrow which has an important meaning in my life. Many times I hesitate to get that tattoo because it is an image I will have for a lifetime. However, I want to do it because it is something that will identify my life. This arrow would be a discrete size not so visible and only people close to me would know about that tattoo. For me the meaning of an arrow is to look forward never looking back. I mean that although it often seems that life is against us or everyone leaves us behind, this bow and arrow tattoo reminds us there will always be a space to continue moving forward the further you stretch the bow the farther your arrow will travel. That’s what this tattoo means to me, which is what I identify myself with.
            Finally, making the choice to get a tattoo comes with serious contemplation. Tattoos are just body art and can be completely harmless but not finding the right resources can end tragically bad. This tattoo makes me see that there is always a positive side in life. This tattoo will always remind me that there is always hope and as long as you trust in life and in yourself, things will always go very well. Tattoos help you to stand out, find yourself and express yourself. A tattoo reflects the owner's feelings and interests. Life's short so it's great to take advantage of what you can get out of it. Even, if it includes a piece of art in our body. So if you're thinking about getting one, you should do it. Tattoos are simply great a little pain at first but you get a good artistic outcome. In fact getting a tattoo might be good for everyone. It can leave you feeling like a new person. If you're thinking about it, go get a tattoo. Get a tattoo if you want to look different.

Girl Interrupted – Bare Bones Chapter 23


 My “Most Valuable Part” from Girl Interrupted is “Bare Bones”. The book Girl Interrupted is a memoir by American author, Susanna Kaysen. She was relating her experiences as a young woman in a psychiatric hospital. The beginning of the story talks about a girl who has 18 years old with the name of Susanna Kaysen. She is admitted to McLean Hospital after attempting suicide by overdosing on pills. Also, she self-harms to feel better. After, Susanna denied having tried to commit suicide with pills. That day, Susanna's psychiatrist convinces her to spend a few weeks in McLean, a psychiatric hospital where they could help her.
            After being admitted in the hospital, Susanna is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. That means that the hospital staff can forcibly extend her stay in the hospital. During the hospital stay, Susanna meets other patients in that place like Polly, Lisa Cody, Georgina, and Daisy. A few hours later, Susanna meets one of the worst patients at McLean and that is Lisa Rowe. She is a charismatic sociopath who loves to break hospital rules. Lisa is admired by all the girls there, for she escapes frequently away without being discovered. Also, Susanna meets Valerie the head nurse at the hospital. Although there are many mental illness people in that hospital, Susanna tried to adapt in that place with those girls.
            One day I read "Bare Bones" which told how crazy or maniacal Susanna was in that chapter. I thought that Susanna was the most normal person in the hospital, since she did not act as strange as the other patients there. However, in this chapter I realized that she was not a normal person, Susanna really was out of control in her mind.  When I read this chapter, I felt a little impatient about what Susanna was making to herself. One day, Susanna was sitting in the living room inspecting her hand a lot. She was doing that because she was worried that she did not have bones in her hand. Susanna was really out of her mind because she felt the tendons in her hand and that moment, Susanna said, "Where are my bones?" she asked herself. Then Susanna started biting her hand looking for bones, making her nerves, tendons and blood vessels move away from her. At that moment, she was trying to peel her skin, so she scratched the back of her hand. Susanna being in there in the living room, but nobody stopped her madness and suddenly, Susanna said, “Success!” a bubble of blood came out of his last knuckle. Then, Georgina and Polly asked Susanna, "What the hell are you doing?" Susanna told Georgina and Polly that she wanted to make sure that she had a normal human hand like everyone else, for she did not feel bones. In that moment, Valerie the head nurse of the hospital arrives with a cup of medicines for Susanna. When Susanna took the pills, she felt dizzy and she fell to the floor, Georgina and Valerie lifted her up and Susanna told them that everything would be fine. What Susanna meant by that was that she was safe, she was really crazy, and that no one could get her out of that place.
            I think that this chapter was one of the best because Susanna finally realizes that she was out of her mind. Also, I think Susanna realized that she had to stay at the McLean hospital to be evaluated, since her behavior was not that of a normal person. Finally, after everything that happened, she began to recognize that she was sick and started to get ahead and accept herself for how she really is. I mean, she agreed to be a person with a mental illness.

My Assignments