Friday, May 25, 2018

Resultado de imagen para Twilight Zone

      Being honest, I have never seen this show before, but it is cool and creepy at the same time. Eye of the Beholder, I think it is a really good episode and very interesting and clear in its theme. The theme of this episode is obviously stereotype, prejudice, discrimination and racism. It shows that there isn't a certain way to look like; it is just different thought or point of view of the viewer. It is important because is a really old way of thinking that different people should place in certain area with people of its kind, nobody really thinks that exact way as shown on the video. It relates to real life it's been more than 50 years since humanity politically end up with racism and how can it still be out there around our country, community and our world. It also relates to me because I have Mexican roots and I know people who dislike me just because of my roots. I think the scene that really showed its point was the last scene where everyone has deformed faces except for Ms. Tyler and the man, but that's the point, just because we aren't used to see people with faces like those we think it's wrong being different. It is just prejudice coming from different thoughts and opinions. In Conclusion, I really liked this video because it makes people reflect on what the world is like. However, nobody does anything to change it and they only prefer to discriminate and judge without knowing what is happening. Humanity might think we are building a better world, but in retrospective we are making the same old mistakes again and it will bring consequences just like the past.

1 comment:

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